Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Final word on my fans-- Callum and Lyric

So, I seem to have yet again got under Callum's skin so much that he felt he needed to add an addendum to his already lengthy blog that so far, has focused on me alone. Still, he claims its about all of Second life. My dear Callum, I know I complete your world of hate mongering--but, I am not ALL of Second Life.

Now, lets get to the boy's claims about this blog:

It is about Callum and Lyric. Well yes, of course it is. I am not a hate monger nor do I feel the need to start a blog to have people hear what I have to say. The sole reason I started this blog was to set the record straight and not let Callum spout half truths without some sort of atonement for the lies he leaks. If I were to encounter anyone else in SL who called me out in a blog, I am sure I would have something to say. But, Callum seems to be the only one who has a stick up his ass about me. So be it. I find this entertaining and my friends are having a good laugh over it.

It certainly has got old friends from Bear talking once again after months. They enjoy the blog and I am really happy about the feedback. Seems many people feel this child is due some time in the corner with no supper.

Child Abuse!! LMAO, my kids are so perfectly well adjusted that I laugh at this statement. Of course, this is just like Lyric. She plants herself in Bear just to catch the something she can gossip about or run and tell Callum, Especially if I am there and she is near--you can expect her to run around and tell Callum to hurry up and get there. It is truly pathetic.

She did get a little bit of my conversation with 55 correct, just not all of it. I had come back to Bear after leaving in October as 55 wanted me to meet his new friend and I chatted for a moment. I had explained that I have been in SL the entire time, just not at infohubs because it was just too drama filled and I found myself entering into heated conversations with Harrison mostly and Callum of course. And that in raising my voice when the arguments ensued, I was subjecting my family to the fights I was engaged in online. That was Lyrics version of abuse and I think it is laughable. She totally has too much time on her hands and something besides hanging at Bear. Everyone knows you do it to get into drama and play reporter to Callum.

Now, the friends list. Well, lets start by saying Surreal is not my main Avatar. He was created in 2008 and used only for business purposes when I met 55. The thing is, I dont add many people as I am pretty picky to whom I put on my Christmas card list. I dont add every bloke in SL to say I have them on my list. Not to mention, the majority of them I deleted back in October when I left Carlins as many were business contacts.

We can go back and forth with allegations. The thing is, this is an avatar and SL is not real life. I think I have had my say when it comes to Callum and Lyric. I think most people know the general nature of these two and how devious they really are. My story really does not have to prove what they are, many MANY people already talk about them and know exactly what they represent. So, as always--I will let the good people of SL decide.

I have been told by a few people that say Callum has been trying to push his blog on them and they refuse to entertain him. So, that in itself speaks volumes. O


  1. Well, those Im's will be no surprise to any female, he comes on to every female he comes into contact with, as I'm certain ANY female reading this will agree. Sadly this bedroom dweller is only able to live out any kind of life in SL. He often mixes rl with sl and is unable to distinguish a real reality for himself. What he writes is pure fantasy Surreal, he causes drama because he has nothing in his life. To pretend he has a rl relationship with his virtual gf says it all. So to conclude, it's like what he says in his profile-don't take it seriously, the joke really is on him.

  2. Hi Jen!

    Well thanks and yes, this dude does take SL a little too seriously. So Jen, do I know you in SL? Have we met?

    Thanks for posting!
