Sunday, March 6, 2011

The first bite, straight from the Alpha's mouth!

Hello to all my Second Life friends and everyone else as well. What can I say, it takes some controversy at times to set something drastic and imperative into motion. The thing is, Second Life is a huge, wondrous place in which people from all over the world gather and exchange cultures, ideas, and sadly--hate.

There are dedicated people who simply log into Second Life just to spew anything they can to make themselves feel better about who they are in real life. In coming to this blog, it was simply to correct a few inaccuracies about a blog entry by one SL hate monger named Callum Ohmai.

Callum and I have a pretty nasty history that came to a head last fall and ended just recently with a very proactive use of the mute button. You see, once the mute button is put into the game--Callums only recourse is to gain my attention VIA others in SL about a blog post he honored me with.

Did I say honored? Well yes, because it means I have gotten to him so bad in SL--that he has to carry his harking to yet another medium. He needs to be heard here because most of the SL population has muted and flushed these turds long ago. But, Callum and Lyric are like those little pieces of dung that keep floating back up the toilet bowl, no matter how many times you flush em--they just keep coming back. So, I am not going to respond to what he has written about me and just close the toilet lid. It simply comes down to the fact that if you know me in SL, then you know what he writes is bunk. Its there for him so he can bring attention to himself as he can no longer do it in SL. His reputation is so bad, his credibility is shattered.

So, how did this all start? One simple exchange between his girl and myself. I do have a copied notecard of the convo. Of course this was when Lyric and I were friendly. Now, she has been pretty much ostracized by everyone and is the running joke of many infohubs. The rich girl gone bad. SL's version of Patty Hearst if you will. People snicker in ims when she walks into the hubs and talk about these outcast. I really just ignore them for the most part and go about my business. Hence, the reason I am Callum's #1 on his list! How can I not be flattered!! Anyway, back to the convo:

05:25] Lyric Loon: Yes, I am with Callum for a good reason though.
[05:25] Surreal Skytower: wait, is there a reason that is good enough?
[05:27]  Lyric Loon: Well, you know my parents get angry when i go slumming and they  buy me things to change my attitude. Callum is the perfect way to get my new Bassoon. trust me, it is a pretty even deal. I did things with him and he has some issues with ..manhood. Its a little smaller then he told me and there are little white sores around it. Its pretty nasty. I earned that Bassoon dammit!
[05:28]Surreal Skytower: THATS CRAZY LYRIC! ALL for a Bassoon?
[05:28]  Lyric Loon: Gotta do what I gotta do, no way I am getting a job.
[05:31] Surreal Skytower: Ya, ok. Have fun with that! Hes a number 1 nutcase and everyone knows it.

You see Lyric thinks she is some sort of musician. I don't know how she can call herself that. How do you practice music, do gigs, etc if you spend every waking hour sitting in SL. Go ahead, anyone that reads this--look up her name in SL right now and I bet she is online and sitting in Bear Dream infohub or any of the other infohubs out there.

Anyway, that started the fray way back in Septemeber of 2010,

But, I am going to thank Callum right now. I am totally honored by his blog about me. It tells me that I eat at him. That I get under his skin and fester there. It seems I have been doing that to him for months. As I stated earlier, if you know me in SL--you know its all pretty much the same crap he has been spewing sitting on a wall in Bear the last 9 months or so. It is easily tallied that most people whom have run into him...don't like him. Maybe it has to do with the constant "You're gonna get bit" line he runs around toting.
I will not add to the hate and just wish him a good SL! Because in the long run, everyone knows the truth anyway!

Do you think Callum's food is worried its going to get bit? I dont think so either!

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