Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Woman hater? We know who the real hater is.

Of course dont simply rely on my text as I am being accused of doctoring. Ask Melody for yourselves. OR any other women at Bear.

2010-09-10 22:46:16 note card
[19:40]  LBMelody Chrome: lol
[19:41]  LBMelody Chrome: looking at other girls are we?
[19:41]  LBMelody Chrome: poor Lyric
[19:41]  Callum Ohmai: holds you around the waist and pulls you back against me, your ass up against my cock "Noo.... she doesn't need to know, right?"
[19:42]  LBMelody Chrome: lol
[19:42]  Callum Ohmai: emote with me? :P
[19:43]  LBMelody Chrome: no
[19:43]  Callum Ohmai: awww are you scaredyyy?
[19:43]  LBMelody Chrome: no..but u should be
[19:44]  Callum Ohmai: oooo why?
[19:44]  Callum Ohmai: god i wanna fuck you...
[19:44]  LBMelody Chrome: how bad does that look on the logs to ur gf..
[19:44]  LBMelody Chrome: yikes
[19:44]  Callum Ohmai: you wouldnt do that would you?
[19:45]  Callum Ohmai: you wouldnt want me denying it again would you? hehe
[19:45]  Callum Ohmai: n making you look like a liar again would you?
[2010/09/10 19:47]  Callum Ohmai: grinds my cock against your ass.
[19:47]  Callum Ohmai: tell me how it feels mel
[19:50]  LBMelody Chrome: good bye
[19:51]  Callum Ohmai: awww running scared again
[19:51]  Callum Ohmai: haha
[19:52]  LBMelody Chrome: u might need a good explanation for these logs once Lyric sees them
[19:52]  Callum Ohmai: Lyric is waiting the first psycho chick to IM her. :P!
[19:52]  Callum Ohmai: She shall laugh her ass off.
[19:52]  LBMelody Chrome: cool
[19:53]  Callum Ohmai: and you'll look like a drama causing whore like you normally do

Anyone that knows Anna, knows she is terrific and does not deserve to be called a Cunt by Callum. Read below. Again, this can be verified.

2010-09-08 22:32:59 note card

18:59:03]  Incoming message from (Callum Ohmai)
[18:59:37]  Callum Ohmai: Now, please don't accept Lyric's apologies for me, I mean every word I say, you do look like Hugh Jackman, I will however apologize that you take that as an insult.
[18:59:45]  Callum Ohmai: You you look like a female version of Hugh jackman.
[18:59:55]  Callum Ohmai: Don't fucking try and roll with the punches cause you send the wrong message.
[18:59:57]  Anna Ramona: I haven't, lol it's funny
[18:59:59]  Callum Ohmai: Tell me it gets to you.
[19:00:12]  Callum Ohmai: Lyric just told me you can barely tolerate me.
[19:00:18]  Callum Ohmai: So don't even try licking my ass please.
[19:00:27]  Callum Ohmai: If it gets to you, tell me and I'll stop it.
[19:00:37]  Callum Ohmai: You don't know me, you never will know me because of your attitude.
[19:00:54]  Callum Ohmai: Your little boyfriend started on me because of Groit.
[19:00:56]  Anna Ramona: Aw, I never said that.. I had just told her about you calling me a wolverine, and that it's something you do, because debbie was giving her shit for something you did
[19:01:06]  Anna Ramona: He isn't my boyfriend btw
[19:01:23]  Callum Ohmai: Ask Lyric or maybe ME, instead of going behind the scenes like a creep, why I don't like him.
[19:01:34]  Anna Ramona: What the fuck? Lol
[19:01:49]  Callum Ohmai: and it is your boyfriend,  or ex.
[19:01:50]  Anna Ramona: okay dude, there is some miscommunications going on here
[19:02:05]  Callum Ohmai: Me and Lyric are sitting on Skype!
[19:03:18]  Anna Ramona: hm, well i never said that I couldn't tolerate you, I said people shouldn't blame her for your actions, and I told her I had come across you before, and told her you called me a wolverine and I laughed it off, so whatever else has been said, then I don't know what to tell you
[19:03:59]  Callum Ohmai: She just told me, and I quote "She can barely tolerate you!"
[19:04:30]  Anna Ramona: hm, well I don't know, I can tell you I don't believe I ever said those words, because honestly I just shrug you off
[19:04:47]  Callum Ohmai: So if that's you, proving that you're just like everyone else who goes behind the scenes and doesn't have the guts to say anything or speak up.
[19:05:42]  Anna Ramona: Sure Callum, but I don't know how I exactly "went behind the scenes"
[19:06:11]  Callum Ohmai: You went into her IM's to talk about me.
[19:06:29]  Anna Ramona: not "about" you
[19:06:30]  Callum Ohmai: You don't know me, you haven't even tried to know me.
[19:06:41]  Anna Ramona: I told her this could get messy, because agony has a huge ego
[19:06:56]  Callum Ohmai: and the only reason I stopped was because of Lyric.
[19:07:10]  Anna Ramona: Well, I don't see how that is talking about you behind your back.
[19:07:32]  Callum Ohmai: Cause you've said something for Lyric to assume that you can barely tolerate me.
[19:08:05]  Anna Ramona shrugs
[19:08:13]  Anna Ramona: can't think of what it would be
[19:08:43]  Callum Ohmai: I'm talking to her about it now
[19:09:03]  Anna Ramona: okay thats great, because there has been some kind of misunderstanding
[19:09:29]  Callum Ohmai: Well, come on Skype and explain yourself?
[19:10:01]  Anna Ramona: I would, but because of real life reasons I can't at the moment
[19:10:22]  Callum Ohmai: and why is that?
[19:11:30]  Anna Ramona: Just not a good time for me to be social-able at the moment.
[19:11:41]  Callum Ohmai: Speaking in riddles Annnaaa....
[19:11:56]  Anna Ramona: How is that so?
[19:12:14]  Anna Ramona: i'm sorry - but my computer isn't in a private location. lol
[19:12:49]  Callum Ohmai: I mean, I dunno what to say to you. o.o
[19:12:59]  Callum Ohmai: You only see the side of me that everyone gets here.
[19:13:12]  Callum Ohmai: Lyric gets to know the other side of me.
[19:13:14]  Anna Ramona: Callum, I never once said I knew who you were
[19:13:32]  Callum Ohmai: I don't try to get under anyone's skin.
[19:14:27]  Anna Ramona: well thats all fine and dandy, but it's the side of you that you show to everyone who doesn't know you personally
[19:14:50]  Callum Ohmai: No... see, you've just said that I try to get under people's skin's, how?
[19:14:55]  Callum Ohmai: Cause I said you look like Wolverine?
[19:15:06]  Callum Ohmai: and I said it when we were being firendly?
[19:15:12]  Callum Ohmai: Nah, that's your own insecurities creeping up.
[19:15:22]  Callum Ohmai: YOU choose to take it the wrong way.
[19:15:25]  Anna Ramona: You try to get a rise out of everyone, that, and calling out agony being a female on sl, and groit and his issues, and flez.. and others. You want to get a rise out of them
[19:15:39]  Callum Ohmai: -_-
[19:15:42]  Callum Ohmai: Come on Skype and listen?
[19:15:46]  Callum Ohmai: You don't have to talk.
[19:15:55]  Anna Ramona: lol, I don't really have any desire to
[19:15:56]  Callum Ohmai: I have perfectly good reasons for everything I do.
[19:16:01]  Callum Ohmai: Okay then.
[19:16:05]  Callum Ohmai: Since you're being a cunt.
[19:16:33]  Callum Ohmai: Groit - Forces himself upon women, including Lyric, andthen blames his disability, that is repulsive and disgusting, don't even try to defend him.
[19:17:11]  Callum Ohmai: Flezic - Had NO problem with him, until he, ON MIC, started talking shit about me and Jerico, why? Cause the girl he confessed love for wanted me.
[19:17:43]  Callum Ohmai: Agony - Just defended Groit when ALL I was doing was being plaful with Lyric.
[19:18:29]  Callum Ohmai: You? I DON'T EVEN HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU! Your own insecurities have chosen to take all of what I say as an insult which automatically gives you a HUGE chip on that shoulder of yours.
[19:18:58]  Anna Ramona: Thats fine that you have reasons behind it, but you still like to see others react
[19:18:58]  Callum Ohmai: So no, I don't try to get under people's skins, you haven't even bothered to try and get to know me, every attempt I've made, you've shot down?
[19:19:15]  Anna Ramona: I don't think it as an insult dude, I laugh at it, it's funny
[19:19:21]  Callum Ohmai: Why? Cause that big fat juicy chip on your shoulder gets bigger and bgger every time I call you Wolverine.
[19:19:37]  Anna Ramona: nah, not really
[19:19:53]  Callum Ohmai: Yes really..
[19:20:00]  Callum Ohmai: You prove it EVERY time we speak.
[19:20:10]  Anna Ramona: Okay Callum
[19:20:11]  Callum Ohmai: Come on Skype and listen to my side of the story?
[19:20:19]  Callum Ohmai: 'har har, I have no desire to... har har.'
[19:20:56]  Callum Ohmai: Y'know, Lyric speaks highly of you, she says you're nice, when really, you're not are you? You are nice to who you want to be
[19:21:15]  Anna Ramona: I've not said anything mean to you at all Callum
[19:21:30]  Callum Ohmai: No, but you've got an absolutely horrible arrogant nature about you.
[19:26:07]  Anna Ramona: well, i'm sorry you feel this way callum. I had no pre-conceived notions of you, things you said to me directly, did not affect me, and you have every right to have an opinion of me, i will not be bitter just because you do. if you dislike me, that is fine.
[19:26:23]  Callum Ohmai: WHAT!?
[19:26:26]  Callum Ohmai: Are you fucking for real!?
[19:26:31]  Anna Ramona: yup
[19:26:43]  Callum Ohmai: 'I had no pre-conceived notions of you'
[19:26:45]  Callum Ohmai: WHAT!?
[19:26:52]  Callum Ohmai: Then how do I try to get under peoples skins?!
[19:27:24]  Anna Ramona: okay, well let me re-word that. I did not listen to others opinions of you rather
[19:27:35]  Anna Ramona: just what I have seen and heard
[19:27:51]  Anna Ramona: and you said yourself, I only know what you show people here, and you are right I do not know you personally, and never claimed I did
[19:27:52]  Callum Ohmai: What you've seen is your little boyfriend call me a dickhead then get attacked.
[19:27:56]  Callum Ohmai: and me call you Wolverine.
[19:28:18]  Anna Ramona: lol, well callum thats fine and dandy
[19:28:31]  Anna Ramona: this conversation is pretty much over, because I don't quite see what is trying to be achieved
[19:28:49]  Callum Ohmai: You have a very immature nature too.
[19:28:54]  Callum Ohmai: That goes hand in hand with your arrogance
[19:28:56]  Anna Ramona: that's quite fine
[19:29:00]  Callum Ohmai: The whole "This conversation is over."
[19:29:09]  Callum Ohmai: You don't get to choose when it's over.
[19:29:13]  Callum Ohmai: You're 1 year older than me.
[19:29:31]  Callum Ohmai: You're in no way mature, only in the way you look, 40 year old male.
[19:30:19]  Anna Ramona: the issue of age in this conversation is irrelevant
[19:31:14]  Callum Ohmai: Okay... then I just wanna do one more thing...
[19:31:28]  Anna Ramona: sure, go right ahead
[19:31:41]  Callum Ohmai spits in your mouth.
[19:31:47]  Callum Ohmai: CUNT!
[19:32:17]  Anna Ramona: lol, goodbye callum, its been nice
[19:32:32]  Callum Ohmai: You could have at least swallowed?
[19:35:36]  Incoming message from (Callum Ohmai)
[19:35:45]  Callum Ohmai: It's not good to keep my spit on your tongue!

2010-10-15 00:30:06 note card

2010/10/02 3:48]  Agony Sunkiller: do you have me muted
[2010/10/02 3:48]  Callum Ohmai: Nope
[2010/10/02 3:49]  Agony Sunkiller: just wanna say one quick thing, take it how you want, if not its trying to get a hold of harrison too, but hes afk i think....
[2010/10/02 3:49]  Callum Ohmai: Go for it.
[2010/10/02 3:51]  Agony Sunkiller: i hang around here all the time, and im not here to cuse drama, be a shit stirrer or whatever, im here to be with izzy and talk to regulars and shit for fun, secondlife is pointless if i have to come on here to fight with people, so if you would not asking to be friends, but im looking to just make a neutral wager, so that whoever i mightve had a problem with in the past or whoever has had a problem with me, can move along and just be capable of civil conversation. are you up for that?
[2010/10/02 3:51]  Agony Sunkiller: cause*
[2010/10/02 3:51]  Callum Ohmai: I had no problem with you in the first place.
[2010/10/02 3:51]  Callum Ohmai: YOU attacked ME.
[2010/10/02 3:52]  Callum Ohmai: I think it was cause I said Anna looks like Hugh Jackman, which she does, don't get me wrong.
[2010/10/02 3:52]  Agony Sunkiller: well in all fairness, you did a little shit stirring as well, and we both kept going, so whatever happened, its done, you cool with that?
[2010/10/02 3:53]  Callum Ohmai: But the way I see it, you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours, I don't expect to sit there having Christmas dinner with you.
[2010/10/02 3:53]  Callum Ohmai: But I have something to ask of you too.
[2010/10/02 3:53]  Agony Sunkiller: im not saying that we have to be BFF's im just saying, we're here, we're capable of having a normal civil conversation
[2010/10/02 3:54]  Agony Sunkiller: ask away
[2010/10/02 3:54]  Callum Ohmai: Yeah, sure. But I'm not asking you, I'm telling you this. Izzy wronged me and lied about me, so if she's here, I will take her apart, not one time, EVERY time she's here. You can choose to jump in and get involved, I don't mind, you'd be defending her, but our truce stops between you and I.
[2010/10/02 3:55]  Agony Sunkiller: wronged you and lied about you how
[2010/10/02 3:56]  Callum Ohmai: Basically, an argument broke out with her and Harrison, I stood up for her, she jumped in MY IM box, started trying to flirt with me, I was with Lyric on Skype and I was like 'Why the fuck is she coming onto me? Isn't she supposed to be your friend?', anyway, I played along with Izzy a little bit, then all of a sudden she checked my profile and stopped trying to flirt with me.
[2010/10/02 3:57]  Callum Ohmai: Regardless, her voice makes me cringe, but still, the other day she said that I was the one coming onto her and she turned me down.
[2010/10/02 3:57]  Callum Ohmai: Makes me laugh cause anything I said to her, I was reading out to lyric.
[2010/10/02 3:58]  Agony Sunkiller: ok well, regardless, it was in the past and just like real life news media, everyone forgets everything after a week, i dont see a reason why you have to keep it going
[2010/10/02 3:58]  Callum Ohmai: Cause she's a cunt.
[2010/10/02 3:58]  Callum Ohmai: Too many people here lie for no reason.
[2010/10/02 3:58]  Callum Ohmai: I don't get off on telling lies.
[2010/10/02 3:59]  Callum Ohmai: So like I said, if she's here, I will be doing everything I can to get her out of here.
[2010/10/02 3:59]  Callum Ohmai: I don't want her here.
[2010/10/02 3:59]  Callum Ohmai: She's a benign tumor that needs operating on.
[2010/10/02 3:59]  Agony Sunkiller: it was between you and 2 other people, i see no reason why the grunt of bear has to hear it all when nothing went outside the im
[2010/10/02 3:59]  Callum Ohmai: .... She said the lie on mic.
[2010/10/02 3:59]  Callum Ohmai: So SHE took it outside the IM.
[2010/10/02 3:59]  Callum Ohmai: Thus makng her a cunt.
[2010/10/02 4:00]  Callum Ohmai: and about Harrison? He wants Izzy, so I have no doubt whatsoever that he'll take your truce with open arms.
[2010/10/02 4:01]  Agony Sunkiller: ok, i tried against my better judgement, but i guess im going to have to settle back to where i was, and move on, thanks for trying
[2010/10/02 4:01]  Callum Ohmai: Like I said, I have no problem with you.
[2010/10/02 4:01]  Callum Ohmai: If you can't control your testosterone enough to let me get Izzy out of here, or better yet, keep her out of here, then obviously we're gonna have a problem.

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